Lapa Gold Project – 2t Elution and Regeneration System

The Lapa elution and regeneration plant marked the development of a new modular design based on its existing modular elution technology. Taking a fresh approach to include modularisation in its regeneration systems with minimal dismantling, Como Engineers’ Lapa Elution and Regeneration plant design was a new direction, producing a design that was compact in foot print, quick to reassemble on site, quick to commission and above all containerisable while minimising the steps for reassembly at site.
Lapa also marked the first in full automation of the Como elution system, with touchscreen technology and PID process control being designed into the control architecture.
The Lapa design has gone on to be the basis of many 2 tonne system deployments for other clients and formed the basis of the current generation of automated elution and regeneration systems.
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